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Jack vs the Exotic Crustacean
Party Cannon
Bong Hit Hospitalisation
uses sample from
Peep Show, "Spin War"
(Andrew O'Connor,
You know, Jez, I've started to get this feeling that I'm totally, totally fucked. You know? Everything's fucked. I fucked my wedding, I fucked up my only ever relationship, everything's just completely fucked.
Keg Stand by Me
Party Cannon
Bong Hit Hospitalisation
uses sample from
Teen Wolf
(Rod Daniel,
Scott Howard : Hi. I'd like a keg of beer please?
Old man clerk : [looking at a newspaper] You don't say.
Scott Howard : Yeah. How much is that?
Old man clerk : You little bastards just don't give up, do you? Listen, no I.D. no goddamn beer. Can't you get that through your thick skull?
Scott Howard : [his eyes turn red and his voice changes] Give me, a keg, of beer.
Screech Even Sold His Body to Science
Party Cannon
Bong Hit Hospitalisation
uses sample from
(Stuart Gordon,
- What did yοu do to him? What did you and West do to him to make him like that?
- It was...it was hοrrible. I didn't--
- What did yοu do to him?
- Ηe's not insane. Ηe's dead.
Ectomy Part 1 (Get Back to Work)
Party Cannon
Bong Hit Hospitalisation
uses sample from
Your Mom's House
(Tom Segura,
And if you make it too tight, all you have to do is take your finger and push the flesh back, it’s just grapefruit.